Acne is a skin condition that makes the skin appear reddish, triggering pimples, blackheads and bumps that turn into permanent scars. Most people suffer from acne during the adolescent years. It usually disappears during the early twenties but some people are not so lucky and continue to suffer from acne much longer. The common areas affected by acne are the face, upper back and chest. This can be both embarrassing and uncomfortable.
What causes acne?
An unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalance, stress, heredity and infections are the common causes of acne. Although acne can be treated with medication, most of these contain ingredients that harm the skin. The best way to treat acne is with a gentle, natural remedy that not only heals the skin, but also keeps it healthy.
Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil by Jeeva acts as an excellent treatment for skin conditions. This pure cold pressed, cold processed oil has great antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties. Using it regularly keeps skin infections at bay while restoring supple soft skin.
How coconut oil works?
One of the symptoms of acne is puffy red, dry skin. Applying coconut oil to the affected area soothes the skin, gradually getting rid of the scars, resulting in smooth skin. It also prevents the recurrence of acne.
Jeeva’s Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil contains powerful antimicrobial ingredients that combat infection. The healing properties of lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid works by clearing the skin’s pores, reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow to the area. It keeps the skin from drying up, getting rid of the itchiness.Since coconut oil is completely natural, there are no painful side effects.
How to use Jeeva Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil?
Coconut oil is excellent for internal as well as external use.
- Use Jeeva coconut oil as a skin cream, gently massaging it into the skin about two to three times a day. Clean the skin area thoroughly before applying a thin layer. No matter how severe the acne, coconut oil helps clear up the infection and scars.
- You can also add coconut oil to your diet to strengthen your immune system and accelerate your metabolism and maintain your hormonal balance. Include it in your smoothies, substitute your cooking oil with it, enjoy as bread spread or as coffee creamer.
For some people, the application of coconut oil initially aggravates the acne, but this is normal. Usually within a couple of weeks, the skin begins to clear up. You must seek your doctor’s help if it still does not help.
Is Jeeva extra virgin organic coconut oil a part of your health and beauty kit? Buy it from Harrods, London. Start healing today.
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